Оборудование для жесткой эндоскопии

Rigid endoscopy
Ликвидация склада эндоскопических инструментов
Are available
Manufactured: after 2019Производство Германия. Полный список оборудования можно скачать в прайс-листе....

Aspiration-irrigation cannula with sliding flap handle Dixion (Germany)
Guarantee Are available

Trocar 11 mm+stiletto Dixion (Germany) for overweight patients
Guarantee Are available

Щипцы биопсийные с окном типа KW
Guarantee Are available
Manufactured: after 2011

Щипцы биопсийные с иглой типа KH
Guarantee Are available
Manufactured: after 2013

Щипцы фиксатор для холангиографии, 5 мм
Guarantee Are available
Manufactured: after 2014

Monopolar electrosurgical loop for hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) BOWA (Germany)
Guarantee Are available
Manufactured: after 2018

Endoscopic scissors assembly with tube and handle
Guarantee Are available
Ножницы эндоскопические 5 мм, 330 мм...

Endoscopic needle holder with metal axial handle with lock
Guarantee Are available

Dixion rigid endoscope (Germany) 10 mm, 30°
Guarantee Are available
Manufactured: after 2019

Clipapplicator Kit+Dixion clip kit (Germany)+Grena (United Kingdom)
Guarantee Are available

Rigid endoscope with parallel eyepiece 10 mm Dixion (Germany)
Are available
Manufactured: after 2019

Video cameras
Эндоскопическая видеокамера с ПЗС-матрицей Dixion-KS822 (1 CCD Camera )
Guarantee Are available
Manufactured: after 2016

Endoscopic racks
Arthropump plus device (KARL STORZ)
Guarantee Are available
Manufactured: after 2010Артропомпа Karl Storz Arthropump Plus. Год выпуска - 2010, не эксплуатировалась....

Видеолапароскоп ENDOEYE HD II 10 мм
Guarantee Are available
Manufactured: after 201412701
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